Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
80*	STR	10	25-	1.6 ktons; 16d6
15	DEX	15	12-	OCV:  5/DCV:  -3
45	CON	70	18-	Cannot be Stunned
22*	BODY	0	13-	
3	INT	-7	10-	PER Roll 10-
10	EGO	0	11-	ECV:  3
40	PRE	30	17-	PRE Attack:  8d6
0	COM	-5	9-	
14	PD	10		Total:  26 PD/12 PDr
12	ED	3		Total:  24 ED/12 EDr
3	SPD	5		Phases:  4, 8, 12
13	REC	0		
90	END	0		* Includes modifications for Growth
70*	STUN	5		Total Characteristics Cost:  136

Movement:	Running:  6"/12"

Cost	Powers & Skills
Combat Training:
9	Combat Skill Levels:  +3 with Bite, Haymaker, Strike

Entity Powers:
80	Great Size:  Growth 12 Levels, 0 END (+1/2), Persistant (+1/2), 
	Always On (-1/2)
	+60 STR, +12 Body, +12 Stun, -12" KB, -8 DCV, +8 PER, +8" reach
	32m long, 8 m wide, 400,000 kg
45	Bite:  HKA 3d6 (6d6 w/STR) 
36	Tail Lash:  Hand Attack +8d6, 0 END (+1/2)
36	Thick Hide:  Armor 12 DEF
15	Enormous Size:  Cannot be Stunned 
7	Thick Hide:  Damage Reduction:  25% Physical, Resistant, Not vs magical 
	Attacks (-1)
7	Thick Hide:  Damage Reduction:  25% Energy, Resistant, Not vs magical 
	Attacks (-1)
235	Total Powers & Skills Cost
371	Total Character Cost

75+	Disadvantages
25	Distinctive Features:  Entity (unconc, causes fear)
	Physical Limitation:
15	Cannot leap
20	No Limbs
	Psychological Limitation:
15	Extremely agressive and combative
15	Frequently hungry, goes out of it's way to find food
206	Experience
371	Total Disadvantage Points

Notes: Katsumi meets this monster in Side 3. It looks like a huge snake, closely resembling a cobra, and is seen rampaging through a city street, smashing cars and eating people. We don't actually see it do anyting, nor do we see Katsumi kill it, but she must, as she arrives a few pages later to help Rally in her battle with Rosa (Rally's sister).

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