Val	Char	Cost	Roll	Notes
10	STR	0	11-	Lift 100 kg; 2d6 HTH Damage [1]
13	DEX	9	12-	OCV:  4/DCV:  4(6)
20	CON	20	13-
10	BODY	0	11-
11	INT	1	11-	PER Roll:  11-
18	EGO	16	13-	ECV:  6
18	PRE	8	13-	PRE Attack:  3½d6
20	COM	5	13-

5	PD	3		Total:  15 PD (10 rPD)
5	ED	1		Total:  15 ED (10 rED)
3	SPD	7		Phases:  4, 8, 12
40	END
30	STUN	5		Total Characteristic Cost:  75

Movement:	Running:	4”/8”
		Leaping:	2”/4”
		Swimming:	2”/4”

Cost    Powers & Skills
12	Stylish Cane:  4d6 Hand Attack (6d6 with STR), +2 OCV; OAF (-1), HA Lim (-½), END 3
6	Peanut “Golf”:  EB 4d6; OAF (-1), Gestures (-¼), Beam (-¼), Costs Endurance (-½), 8-Charges (-½), END 2
3	Parry:  +2 DCV; OAF (-1), Takes Half Phase (-½), Costs Endurance (-½), END 1
30	Hard Outer Shell:  Armor (10 PD/ 10 ED)
4	Monocle:  Flash Defense (8 points); OAF (-1)
-4	Limps:  Running -2” (4” Total), END 1

5	Wealth

6	+3 with Golf Swing

3	High Society 13-
2	KS: Fashion 11-
1	KS: George Washington Carver 8-
2	KS: Nuts 11-
2	PS: Golf 11-
3	Streetwise 13- (Bar Nuts)

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  90
Total Cost:  150

100+   Disadvantages
5	Physical Limitation:  Poor Vision on Right Side (Infrequently, Slightly)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Image-Conscious (Uncommon, Strong)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Noblesse Oblige (Common, Moderate)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Snobby (Common, Moderate)
5	Rivalry:  Peanut M&Ms
10	Vulnerability:  2x STUN from Attacks to the Right Leg (Uncommon)

Total Disadvantage Points:  150

Background/Personality: Sheldon Q. Peanut was, sadly, born with a limp. But instead of letting his disability prevent him from chasing his dream at a career in performing, he turned his peanut into peanut butter by outfitting himself with a fashionable cane, and studying the upper crust. Over time, he learned how to blend in with the elite legumes, learning their ways and their contacts.

His positive attitude in the face of adversity won him a lot of respect from the grand achievers, and before long, he was applying his natural talents and ideas with support of influential decision-makers, and making money of his own.

He used his new cultured image to contact the Planters Peanut Company, and they gladly offered him a deal as their corporate spokesnut.

Quote: “I say, old chap. Tally-ho, what?”

Tactics/Powers: By overcoming his limitations striving to be “normal,” Mr. Peanut has indeed surpassed normal, becoming more than merely competent. With his skill at wielding a cane, he can prevent blows from ever landing, or can dish it out himself. He also can use his cane to launch peanuts at his opponents.

Roleplaying Notes: Cary Elwes meets Robin Leach.

7-Up Spot | California Raisin | Cap’n Crunch | Count Chocula | Hawaiian Punch | Jolly Green Giant | Keebler Elf | Lucky the Leprechaun | M&M | Mr. Peanut | Mrs. Butterworth’s | Pillsbury Doughboy | Quisp | Sonny the Cuckoo Bird | Sugar Bear | Tony the Tiger | Toucan Sam | Trix Rabbit

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